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Denver, Colorado 80237-5762, USA
E-Mail Us Cultural INDEX - Colorado Symphony Orchestra

Cultural INDEX - Colorado Symphony Orchestra

Last update: March 18, 1999
Colorado Symphony Orchestra
1031 13th Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 595-4388

Concert Prices:

Orchestra 1/Rows F-H   ³      ³      ³
Orchestra 2 and 3      ³  $   ³  $   ³
Dress Circle 1 and 2   ³      ³      ³
Orchestra 1/Rows C-E   ³      ³      ³
Mezzanine 4 and 7      ³  $   ³  $   ³
Mezzanine 3,5 and 6    ³  $   ³  $   ³
Mezzanine 2 and 8      ³      ³      ³
Parquet *              ³  $   ³  $   ³
Mezzanine 1            ³      ³      ³
Rings                  ³  $   ³  $   ³
* Tickets will be in Mezzanine 2 or 8 for choral Performances

Seniors (62=> and Student half price tickets are available.

Subscription packages at series discounts are available for as few as five
classical concerts.

Additional Charges: 10% City Seat Tax; Ticketmaster Service Charge $1 per ticket
on tickets of $10 or less, $1.25 on tickets over $10; Tickets Charged by Phone
are an additional $1.75 per ticket to $10, $2.50 for tickets over $10.

Purchasing Tickets:

Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations including Gart Brothers
and Dave Cook Sporting Goods Stores, all Sound Warehouse stores, and select
Budget Tapes and Records.  Ticketmaster locations are CASH ONLY.

        Tickets can be charged by phone, using your Visa or MasterCard by
                          calling 290-TIXS (290-8497).

Concert Locations:

Boettcher Concert Hall, Denver, Colorado.

                                  SEASON SCHEDULE:

                         All programs subject to change.
        All concerts at Boettcher Concert Hall unless otherwise indicated.
                                       * * *

                            COLORADO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
                                 1999-2000 SEASON

                          All programs subject to change.
         All concerts at Boettcher Concert Hall unless otherwise indicated.
                          Marin Alsop, Music Director

Reproduced, with permission, from TravelBank.Com Systems.
Computer Information Utility, Travel & Recreation Information.